Saturday, August 20, 2011


so we are like zombies here. It's been over a week that I've felt crappy but its been 8 days since I've been legitimately sick. Nothing seems to be working. Boo. We hit the doctor yesterday and its just a cold. No need for anything over then saline and/or ibuprofen/tylenol for the babies and over the counter crap for me. The girls are more cranky then anything else and of course snotty. I sound like I have consumption and possibly am dying. LOL Seriously my eyes are burning out of my head and I'm operating like a freakshow with my nasty cough.

on a better note, miss MV did ok with her vision test! we have to keep a check on her eyes every three months. They think that she is farsighted, which could explain some balance and depth perception issues. So thats awesome news.

Ro is desperately trying to crawl and sort of gets the backwards crawl thing going. It's so funny and amazing watching her get into the crawling position and rock and get super excited to move!!! Although I'm totally terrified for when she starts crawling and going all over the house! Atleast now she keeps the rolling to mainly the living room area!!

Nothing much else to report, being sick leads to a pretty boring life.

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