Monday, July 25, 2011

misfit bangs

So today (well ok everyday), I'm pondering what I can do next to my hair. Aside from having it grow ten inches, I'm at a loss. I'm thinking of feather extensions for fun, possibly highlights? maybe pink for breast cancer support, maybe purple to match my fav eyeshadow, maybe red to enhance my hair.....I think of at least ten ideas per day. Then I took a look at the girls, OMG - misfit bangs alert! They look disastrous, overgrown and uneven. Shameful because I cut hair for a living but realistic because trying to cut bangs on a 6 month old or a 20 month old is far from easy. MV rapidly shakes her head no while jumping around and squirming away from me, while Ro straight out flips her game! It's like playing russian roulette with 5 bullets instead of 1. At least that is how I feel. I start to panic at the thought of cutting their hair. The sweats kick in, I get all red and flushed and then I feverishly attack them with the shears. Trying my best to trim their bangs straight and make them look presentable while maintaining the integrity of their skin and eyes. Without fail, some jerking motion inevitably turns cute baby bangs into major misfit bangs!

Today the babies came to visit me at work while Daddy got a haircut. 3 lollipops and a meltdown later Daddy's haircut was done. MV needs constant attention in public places. Seriously 3 lollipops, endless compliments and a cup of milk later....she was still singing her "song"! Thank sweet J she is cute, or people would be begging me to leave. Speaking of which, she's maxing out the volume on her song right now instead of sleeping. I'm sorry but 8:57 is bedtime for a 20 month old in my book! So I will continue to enjoy her lovely song at a whopping 8 decibels until she falls asleep like a good little baby. Ro is pretty good in public places, she anxiously waits for someone to tell her how amazing she is. The child loves a good compliment. After work we took a stroll through the local grocery market. Is it me or do all Moms talk to their babies when shopping. I found myself conducting a 15 minute totally one-sided conversation with MV today. A lot of lets go get the potatoes, where are the potatoes hiding, do you see the get the drift. I wonder if people think I'm creepy or weird or if this is just normal behavior. MV's song is now turning into a cry, so I think I'll go check on her and do some Mommy consoling. AKA letting her get her way as per usual. <3

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